As a sole trader, I decided to stop my activity and close my sole proprietorship. I had to publish my intention to close my sole proprietorship on the Ajpes website for at least 15 days, indicating the date on which I decided to stop my activity. I submitted the application for cancellation of the s.p. from the Business Register of Slovenia (PRS) to the SPOT point at least 3 days before the desired date of cancellation. As I wanted to withdraw from compulsory social insurance also at the SPOT point, I had to arrange this before the deletion from the register. The cancellation procedure can be carried out up to 8 days before the planned termination of the sole proprietorship. Due to the uncoordinated timing of the closure procedures, I often had to come to the SPOT point, which was an additional administrative burden for me. I would have liked to have seen the withdrawal from social security arranged at least 8 days before the intended closure. I would suggest that the withdrawal should be made at the same time as the application for closure is submitted ( up to 30 days before the closure).