Hello. There is an urgent need to reduce or simplify the procedure for obtaining and renewing a driving licence. With regard to young drivers, it is completely unnecessary or unreasonable to require them to renew their driving licence after two years, if they have completed a safe driving course in the meantime, which they can only do 6 months after they have passed their driving test. The safe driving course should already be part of the preparation for the driving test, or the driving test should also include a driving test on a polygon under extreme driving conditions (poor visibility, slippery roads, etc.). In a way, this condition also discriminates against older drivers, who are not obliged to take this safe driving course even at an age when their motor and general ability has already declined considerably, according to the statistics, and it would therefore also be necessary to carry out a test of their driving ability after a certain age. We are probably one of the few countries that have such complex and bureaucratic procedures for obtaining and maintaining a driving licence, and at the same time there are no digital links between the administrations and the safe driving centres, e-mail certificates of successful completion of the course are not enough for the administration and it is necessary to have a paper certificate in the original (the trees are crying...), and the AMZS only issues them in Vransko, in case you have lost it by accident. And this: only the procedures that are really e... should be on eGovernment; the procedure for renewing your driving licence is there, but when you select the next step, a page opens telling you to go to the administrative unit.