Dear Sir or Madam! As a sole trader, I have to pay monthly contributions for PIZ (pension), ZZ (health insurance), STV (parental care) and ZAP (employment contributions). The contributions for STV and ZAP are very low, at a minimum of €1.96/month. They are paid into the same TRR, which is: SI56011008881000030, i.e. EUR 1,96/month for STV and EUR 1,96/month for ZAP. Given that the money is coming into the same TRR, why are these contributions not merged as they used to be. With 1 million people, this means that there are 1 million fewer unnecessary transactions each month (much less work, much less scope for error and around 0.5 million less costs for citizens due to fewer unnecessary bank transactions). The bank takes a cut of each transaction. Thank you for your reply.