I propose that companies should abolish the use of disability replacement quotas, which a company achieves by working with a disability company to a certain extent. These replacement quotas are a barrier to employment for people with disabilities. Under the ZZRZI, companies with at least 20 employees should have between 2 and 6% of their employees with disabilities. If we take the middle 4% as an example, a company employing 1500 people would have to employ at least 60 disabled people. Instead, it can work with a disabled company employing, say, 5-10 people. There are therefore as many as 50 jobs for people with disabilities. There are fewer and fewer such large companies in Slovenia, but if there are 5 companies, that is 250 jobs, which are difficult for people with disabilities to get. There are, however, many smaller companies that are also taking advantage of these compensatory quotas. In addition, this gives disabled companies an advantage over other non-disabled companies in winning business from larger companies, which also constitutes a form of unfair competition.