Hello. Some time ago I started to follow the public procurement tenders on the enaročanje.si portal. At first glance, it seems to me to be a hotbed of the greatest corruption in the country. Let me mention just two that have stuck in my mind:1. For grass cutting and grass harvesting, 5 comparable references are required. 2. To clear the undergrowth under electricity lines, one needs a reference in the same field.Who can get one in this country except those who have done it before? No one. And I don't believe that those who have it don't agree with each other.And there is a lot of it.I propose to abolish references for such trivial jobs that any farmer can do (I don't mean to offend anyone, but that's what they say).Instead of a reference, a proper bank or other guarantee should be required, which can be cashed in the event of "grass not being cut properly".I believe that a huge amount of money would be saved, because small and new bidders and those who are not yet in the game with these references are nicely eliminated.Regards.