Faced with an increasingly difficult economic situation and the slow pace of court action, the Association of Insolvent Creditors, at the initiative of some of the affected businesses and individuals, has petitioned the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Economic Affairs to amend the existing legislation in order to strengthen the protection of creditors' rights, while at the same time increasing the liability of the courts and the State for exceeding reasonable time limits for the administration of justice. The initiative is based on constitutionally and conventionally guaranteed rights, which are unfortunately not respected in our country, and the consequences are now borne entirely by the victims, while the official authorities (especially the courts) take no responsibility for their (non-)work. The enactment of this initiative would increase legal certainty and speed up court proceedings, and above all relieve the burden on creditors who, through no fault of their own, are becoming illiquid as a result of the system's institutions failing to act, all of which would make a significant contribution to economic recovery or to stemming the tide of insolvency that has already engulfed far too many companies and entrepreneurs. The avalanche of insolvencies resulting from insolvency indiscipline, overprotection of debtors and inaction by the courts must be stopped as soon as possible! The proposed solution is quite simple: if a court does not deliver a judgment within one year in a lawsuit in which a creditor seeks to recover its unpaid claim, the obligation to pay the meritorious claim (for exceeding a reasonable time for trial) should be transferred to the Republic of Slovenia, which would then have recourse against the debtor and would enter the position of a creditor or plaintiff in the subsequent lawsuit. A more detailed explanation can be found in the annexed petition to the Ministry of Justice. I propose that the present initiative be supported and implemented as soon as possible. Content of the attached annex