For 13 years, we have been "creating" an OLN for 20 residential houses. All the necessary consents were obtained and planning conferences were held to address the comments of the planning authorities and with all the neighbours - the boundaries - and the land was commasalised with a free 15% transfer of ownership of each plot to the public good for the road and the infrastructure under the road. A building permit (GD) for the infrastructure has been issued and is being implemented with municipal funds. We have now arrived at the right to a GD for the residential houses and each house now has to seek all the consents (water, electricity, PTT, cable operators, civil aviation, erosion consent, cultural heritage, etc.) through the planners again and finally, just before the issuance of the GD for the simple residential building 11100 measuring 10.8 x 8.6 m with a max roof height of 9.5 m, the consent of the neighbours adjacent to the plot to be constructed is also required. After payment of the communal contribution and the compensation for the land use, the GD "after a fast-track 3-month procedure" can finally be obtained. Why does it say in the PGI (Art. 60.) that for construction within organised areas (state, RDP) it is possible to issue a GD under the fast-track procedure for simple constructions up to 3 storeys high, instead of repeating the whole thing, which takes 3 months from application to the issuance of the GD? What does the fast-track procedure for issuing a GD mean? The Infrastructure DG included an ARSO consent for erosion (upstream of the Sava river), but for every house that will stand only 8 - 10 m away from the road, it was necessary to obtain repeated consents from ARSO? The municipal environment department puts the responsibility on the state and the ARSO claims that this was prescribed by the municipality in the OPPN, but the consent is necessary, even though the Sava is about 5 km and 70 m downstream in two cascades, and the nearest stream is 3 km and about 30 m downstream from the construction. It is interesting to note that for an area of two or more plots (within the OLN) no erosion consent is required, but for an individual plot, ARSO consent is required. The Civil Aviation Authority has to give consent for a house (9.5 m high), while in the village there is a bell tower which is 70 m high, and all 20 houses are about 100 m away from the bell tower. I would like your answer or info on who will deal with this and why this cannot be changed as it is required by law. And then there are the requirements: the applicant should complete the application with the colour of the roofing, facade, etc. I am aware that the PGI is written for all cases and for different positions of new buildings, but some exceptions could be made at the regional UE if they are as nonsensical as the above.