Dear Sir or Madam. We have come across an absurd situation when it comes to motor vehicle ownership. The private vehicle was de-registered under the ZVCP (the old law) and was in the custody of the then owner. The vehicle has not been registered to this day, but the ownership has changed and the vehicle has been sold 4 times, but not registered, so the change in the MRVL was not necessary. Now, according to the new law, the administrative units and the authorised organisations require the registration of all four owners in the MRVL and charge for it. It seems to me absurd that a new owner of a vehicle has to pay for each change of the owner's details (4 times) or re-registration, as it would be sufficient to register the new owner and to keep all the contracts of transfer of ownership on file. The AMZS in Koper explained that there are such instructions and that this is how they have to work, but it takes a lot of time, and above all it costs citizens to register the change of data, even though according to the ZVCP this was not necessary because the vehicle was not registered.