As of 1 January 2012, the possibility to apply electronically to e-Vem for employment via the M-1 and M-2 forms was discontinued, as described here: "Procedure for arranging insurance under 040 through the e-VEM system after 01.01.2012." As of 01.01.2011, the possibility to apply for insurance under 040 has already been discontinued, and as of 01.01.2012, the possibility to communicate changes and to opt-out for this basis will also be discontinued. These insured persons can only submit to the ZZZS the notification, modification and withdrawal on paper M forms (M-1, M-3 and M-2). I propose to re-enable the possibility of electronically arranging the registration of employment on basis 040, as this allows for much more flexible recruitment. In many cases, the employment of individuals is based on participation in different projects and consequently fragmented employment, all of which has to be done on paper.