Dear Sir or Madam. The proposal relates to the implementation of Article 78a of the Health Care and Health Insurance Act, which states that certain categories of insured persons are withheld from compulsory health insurance if they have not paid health insurance contributions. In the event that the debtor is entitled to a salary (sickness) allowance paid by the Social Insurance Institution directly to the insured person (s.p., farmer, etc.), the insured should be given the possibility to have the allowance calculated and paid, but in such a way that the net amount of the allowance is credited to the insured person's EHIC contributions and the debt is settled. It is absurd to proceed now when the insured person must first pay the debt (perhaps borrowing the money), take out a receipt for the debt, present it to the EHIF and apply for the benefit again. Before that, the ZZZS was still issuing the decision on the withheld rights. Please consider the proposal and give the insured the possibility to exercise their rights and the choice to have the debt and the amount of the benefit offset.