Dear Sir or Madam. I put the following question to you for your consideration, because I am of the opinion that it is not business and is, above all, non-business. A creditor, through his bailiff and Ajpes, blocks a private car which is the property of a company and at the same time does not allow it to be sold to cover debts or to be re-registered. The executor is informed of the problem and is told that the creditor must give his consent. The creditor declares that he is only interested in the money and we inform the bailiff again and ask him to take the unregistered car away because it has been sitting in the car park for a couple of months. There is no reply and we wonder how it is possible that the bailiff/creditor does not take the car away and appraises and sells the same and uses the money to close the debtor's debt to the creditor. This law is inconsistent with business, logic and much else.