Lotrič Meroslovje wants to work and develop its mission in the premises and location where it already operates, not in the sense of being tied down in any other way, but primarily because of the technology. The laboratories, which are linked to dimensional quantities, volume and mass, have become a little too cramped, and we would like to expand technologically as a result of the increase in work, which means that we would also have to build a new building or add on to the existing one to accommodate the new laboratories. This would not have been a problem in 2002, when we bought the new plot, because the 'coastal' strip - that is what the strip along the river is called - was defined as being about two metres wide. However, after 2002, the law changed and now the strip is 15 metres, all on our plot. This means that the plot is now practically undevelopable. I should point out, however, that the Alples company stood on this site 50, 100 years ago, but then moved and left production in this part of the site, so there is nothing 'new' here, the activity is already old (there has been commercial activity since the 1940s, '45s). The River Sora does flow alongside, but there is no threat to flood safety, which is also apparent from the acts - the hazard plans. We have already been in contact with the municipality of Železniki, as the spatial planning authorities, to resolve the problem, because we very much hope that, by amending the Regulation, we will be able to reduce this 'coastal' strip to a reasonable two to three metres, as was the case 10 or 15 years ago - that we will be able to build a commercial building on this site, which is desperately needed due to the development of technology.