Dear Sir or Madam. I would like to suggest to the Government or the competent ministries to improve the communication between authorities in administrative procedures, especially when several authorities are involved in the procedure. I have recently found out that it is necessary to opt out of paying for compulsory health insurance in person, first at the ZZZS (where you sign a form stating that you are no longer a self-payer as of a certain date), and then at the Tax Office. Here, the official simply opens the procedure for cancellation of the debit and attaches a photocopy of the certificate that the status with the Health Insurance Fund has been changed. Given that ZZZS, DURS and ZPIZ work together in many social transfer procedures, citizens could save money by going to just one body (which is central), which would then inform all the other bodies in the procedure. In the spirit of the ZUP, this would eliminate the completely unnecessary sending of a party between the authorities which would be obliged to take care of mutual cooperation.