Dear Sir or Madam. We are a small company, with 28 employees in total. Our activities include environmental management and tribotechnology. Our customers or business partners come from both Slovenia and abroad. We find it absurd that we have to fill in (now) 9(!) statistical questionnaires for SURS, at least one of which requires us to report monthly - on turnover and stock values in the industry. The others are not insignificant either; to give you an example, it took our employee a good two days to fill in one of the questionnaires! That is a huge amount of time for a statistical questionnaire from which we, as a company, do not derive any real benefit (despite SURS's persuasion to the contrary). When we asked them for data on how many small businesses like ours are included in as many surveys as we are, we got a reply that confirms that SURS is indeed burdening us unnecessarily: only 3% of such business entities (in fact, business entities with up to 50 employees). This means that 97% of the entities are not as burdened as our company. Not only that, but only 0.1% of business entities reported for the same surveys as us; and in 2014, only 20.2% of business entities - i.e. only one in five business entities - completed at least one questionnaire. These are figures which, in our opinion, justify our dismay at the volume of questionnaires/surveys/surveys we receive from SURS and our belief that something could be done to reduce the burden on businesses like ours. Perhaps at least legislate for a maximum number of these surveys that they can give us? Otherwise, we do not know at what number they will stop, if at all. And it should not be 10 surveys for a small company like ours. We want you to investigate this area and to take steps towards a fairer burden on business. We are still willing to cooperate, but, as I said, within the limits that we are still able to do without causing us business damage. Thank you in advance.