I propose to abolish the physical sending of documents by post between the various administrative authorities. I am employed in local government, I was previously in the state administration (and I have noticed the same). I write at least 2 (and sometimes 20) letters a day, which I collate and send to another state body (police, court, administrative unit, Ajpes, DURS, CURS, inspectorates, etc.) As these are mostly important documents, I send them by registered post or even with a ZUP envelope. All these authorities then reply to my correspondence in the same way. And all this writing could go electronically by e-mail, as we all already have it. It's as secure as by post (computer people will disagree, but in both cases the data or documents sent can only be accessed by criminal means). I alone would save at least €2,000 a year in my work on envelopes and postage alone, and a similar amount would be saved by the authorities that do business with me, not to mention the savings in business time, paper, printers, etc. I would save at least €2,000 a year in my work on envelopes and postage alone.