Hello, I am sending you a proposal: 1. when the municipal urban plan is adopted, municipalities should be more sensible about which properties they exercise pre-emption rights on, because it is necessary to submit applications for non-exercise of pre-emption rights for each property on which the municipality has pre-emption rights. 2. once the application is made, the municipality has 30 days to issue a certificate as to whether or not to exercise the pre-emption right and this certificate is valid for 3 months (if the certificate is more than 3 months old, the notary does not impede the sale contract and it is necessary to re-order the certificate). At least municipalities, e.g. MOL, when they issue such a certificate, should note that it is valid for one year, not that you have to repeat the procedure and so theoretically you can order the same thing from the municipality 4 times in one year. Municipalities do not have to accept a whole pile of applications which they cannot issue within the legal time limit and which are also completely meaningless in the case of municipal pre-emption.