Hello. My wife and I are involved in additional tourism activities. We have recently been informed by the tourist board of which we are members that the police require from the hosts all the information that is on the official document - the identity card.Is this document valid or not? The police also ask us landlords for our place of birth. This information is not on an official document such as an identity card, but is on the passport. If one understands all this, I cannot understand the explanation that the guest should fill in a form 10 and enter his details. Yet how does a tourist feel who comes from a developed country to our country and is burdened with what I consider to be unnecessary information? My personal feeling would be that I have arrived in a police state. The other argument is whether all the hosts have a computer and whether they know how to use it.I myself have travelled extensively in various European countries, and no one has ever asked me about my place of birth. Since you have the scissors and the canvas, I ask you to simplify the procedures and make our guests feel at home in Slovenia. On 20 January 2014, an initiative was submitted on the portal, which also relates to the area of tourism reporting. Hoteliers, room owners, campsite managers,... In short, all of us who have to report guests on temporary stays encounter an unnecessary obstacle in collecting and sending guest data. Many domestic or foreign documents do not contain the information required by our regulations. What follows are very distressing 'interrogations' , frustration, anger. E.g. the Slovenian OI does not contain the place of birth, the registration form requires it !?. I could go on and on. On 22.1.2014 a petition was submitted on the portal, also related to the area of tourist reporting MNZ registration service Proposal to simplify the registration of the temporary residence of tourists. I propose to reduce the fields in the registration book to first and last name, date of birth, nationality (according to the identity document), date of arrival at the accommodation facility. Neither domestic nor foreign documents contain the required information. This is followed by agonising questioning and frustration at this and the completion of Annex 10. Annex 10 is no guarantee of authenticity.