Dear Sir or Madam! First of all, a welcome to this idea, so that we can at least say where \"our shoe is on the other foot\", and then a sincere thank you for every improvement, every realisation. The more people the more they know and together we can sort out many things that do not require large financial investments, but can greatly facilitate bureaucratic procedures and all our days when we are forced to deal with these procedures. I make many visits to various specialist clinics with my father, who is 85 years old, and many visits myself, who is retired on disability and has Parkinson's disease. I still somehow carry the reports, CDs, DVDs, X-rays, pictures of this or that organ here and there, and finally I deliver them to my doctor, who sometimes hardly manages to see all the patients, where she still has time to go through the reports in detail, look at the DVDs and so on. And I wonder if it would be possible to enter the results immediately after the examination by a code (health insurance number or card number) directly into the patient's register. That way, there would be no embarrassment when listing medicines, downloading reports, forgetting the names of the specialists who examined us. Perhaps this could be arranged technically somehow, perhaps the health card would contain a password for the doctor to enter our "virtual" file and the record of medical services, procedures. It would be easier for everyone, no one would send us home to get the results, the list of medicines... it would go faster and there would be less awkwardness. I am a layman in the medical field, and computer technology and its development are also quite foreign to me.