Dear Sir or Madam, Although I do not have a concrete proposal for a solution to a specific problem, I would like to draw your attention to the following: you are probably all watching television, and I would suggest that you look at Mr Slaka's programme, Pogledi Slovenije, of 8.3.2012. I work in the public sector myself and I am confronted with criminally badly written regulations, fragmented at various ends, duplicated and no wonder we are knotted up in our own nonsensical procedures. In short, the Ministry of Finance is also asking citizens how to make savings.... I am watching Mr Slake's show and I am thinking... Perhaps you and the Ministry of Finance should sit down together and, rather than talking about saving, you should start talking about how to help people who want to create in this country, who are willing to work and not flee abroad with their capital, and how to stop making their lives miserable with vicious circles and arrogant officials. I myself am a public sector employee, so I am not against it a priori, but I have encountered many times the nonsense of bureaucracy and officials who not only did not want to do anything, but deliberately delayed the procedures ... similar to what is reported by.... in the Slaka report mentioned for the third time. I encourage you to take a look at it. To contact the person responsible for the water concession in the first article and to check with him the information given in the programme. If it is true, I advise you either to replace her and to systematically go after all the other offices, or, if she is working in good faith and is really a victim of the regulations, to proceed immediately to changing them. Unfortunately, I have become a pessimist over the last few years and I am afraid that you will do none of this, but at least I will not blame myself for not having done anything, and you will not be able to say that (at least in this case) you did not know anything. I wish you every success, if you have undertaken the work sincerely. My colleague from the public sector. p.s. The proposal probably refers to the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, or at worst to the public administration, in the case of the specific behaviour of officials.