1. Obtaining a digital certificate for online transactions for a minor: the E-Government website provides instructions under Where and how: The applicant for a digital certificate brings the completed application form together with a valid official document with a picture (ID card, passport, driving licence or other officially valid identity document) and tax number to any administrative unit. The application form is available on the website http://www.sigen-ca.si/obrazci-fo.phpNa. The UE official will manually re-enter the data from the application into the computer.In my opinion, if the legal guardian of the minor applying already has a digital certificate, there is no obstacle to an electronic application. In addition to the above, I would like to remind those responsible for e-Government that the Ministry of Public Administration is still used in the citation: Responsible authorities for Policy and Development:Ministry of Public Administration For implementation: Ministry of Public Administration; Administrative Units Appellate (supervisory): Ministry of Public Administration