A CONCRETE EXAMPLE: The debtor mistakenly paid her monthly health insurance contribution to the pension insurance account in the current month... as a result, a debt was incurred on the health insurance account, the DURS forwarded the information about the debt to the ZZZS and the ZZZS blocked the debtor's health insurance card (which means that she is a self-payer for all health services and possible medicines...). When we found the error, filed an application for overpayment rebooking the problems were not over... DURS ONLY provides information (updates) once a month on the status of the debtor's debt for health insurance contributions! This means that the debtor has to submit a WRITTEN application to obtain a WRITTEN confirmation of the taxes and contributions paid and DELIVER it to the Health Insurance Fund ONLY! POSSIBLE SOLUTION: 1. At least the application should be submitted electronically, but if there is an E-Taxes system that the taxable person has to use to submit her private contribution return.... 2. The certificate could finally be produced electronically by DURS, only the taxable person could have access to it via the e-tax system (so that it is not misused), the certificate is in PDF format... 3. After receiving it, the taxable person prints it out and delivers it to ZZZS in writing... because electronic transactions with ZZZS are not established in this form... This means that if you are ever a sole trader and ZZZS blocks your card (due to Durs data) you will be going from office to office instead of arranging it electronically! Electronic means that you apply for a tax certificate via the e-tax system, receive the certificate electronically and take it to the ZZZS to have your card unblocked, because otherwise you are a self-payer of services, even though you have paid your health insurance contributions....