Municipal spatial plans are outdated acts adopted 40 or more years ago. With all possible options, and with a lot of administration, changes are being made as new building technology dictates. The new building law Z1 is adopted in the spirit of spatial planning, legalisation of existing buildings and the promotion of an orderly environment and space. OPN, PUP, etc. remain the same, which means that municipalities are forced to issue negative changes in the documentation for minor deviations, such as the pitch of a roof. I propose that a special article be added to the ZUReP to allow for deviations from the PUP for existing buildings that were constructed before the new municipalities were created. The fact that the newly created municipalities are granting changes according to the OPNs, which are copies of the PUPs with origins in a completely different environment and circumstances, will not be able to regulate the existing buildings. For exceptions and bold overpayments by investors (site inspections, PIPs, etc.), all possible building forms will be approved, especially in the case of new buildings, which realistically represent significant deviations from the outdated OPNs and also from the environment. Therefore, in such a regulated spatial planning system, it is not logical that there are insurmountable obstacles to the regularisation of old, existing buildings. It should be borne in mind that every building must be regularly renovated, partially reconstructed and maintained in order to be able to serve its purpose. Therefore, the purposeful preservation of the vitality of a building should not be an obstacle to the systematic management of the environment and the local space, but should be seen as an advantage for the wider community.