Why don't people get vaccinated? Now I know. I am a prebolic and on 8 August 2021 my prebolic expires and I was going to get vaccinated. I have a European certificate, I was tested first by the rapid test and then by PCR because the rapid was positive. I infected my wife and son in February. They went for the rapid test, were positive, got a notification from the NIJZ and got a sick note from their personal doctor for being infected with covid19. Now they wanted to go for the vaccination as pre-vaccinators with only one dose, and is that like impossible? In the Nazarje Health Centre they say that this is not possible (they did not even get to the personal doctor through the nurse). The attitude there was arrogant and even mocking, towards the patients. They decided not to get vaccinated at all, as it is easier to go for a test and pay if necessary, than to expose themselves and waste time with "burnt out" medical bureaucrats. And I have decided not to get vaccinated either. And there are probably thousands of cases like this, and it is not the fault of the people! Many friends and acquaintances have also decided not to be vaccinated because of our experience. But let us simplify vaccination, let us make the rapid test and the PCR test equally valid, which in February were considered equally valid, and let us listen to the Patients' Ombudsman, who has been warning about this for some time!