Dear Sir or Madam! These days I have been assisting a taxpayer with the submission of his assets (in accordance with the Law on the Income Tax). I can praise the fact that this year, for the first time, the matter was settled via the e-Government portal. I have, however, a big criticism to make of the way in which it is entered. The taxable person has to enter each of his plots of land of which he is the owner or co-owner, plus a lot of information about each plot (e.g. area). The entry is time-consuming, some of the information is illogical (e.g. data entry on buildings) and where we have poor internet connections, you quickly get stuck without a connection and have to start again from scratch. If I can check the ownership of my plots online with my digital certificate, it seems illogical to me that the databases are not linked to each other. I suggest that you allow taxable persons to import data from the GURS database and only to make any corrections or additions to the linked data.