Given that for a small amount of debt the creditor has the right to seize disproportionate parts of the movable property, we should abolish the condition of consent to the registration of the vehicle and limit the seizure of movable and immovable property to two times the amount of the debt, which is the way bailiffs seize in most cases, e.g. for a 400eur debt 2x axle vehicle worth 6000eur, agricultural land worth 4000eur and garden furniture worth 1000eur. Since all the foreclosures are not for evasion but each foreclosure has its own story, the ZIZ should be AMENDED and limited to the upper limit of foreclosures in the amendment, because in each foreclosure one knows how much the interest costs of the tax will be. Let us start living in a state governed by the rule of law, not a few elite getting rich on the shoulders of the sitomaks, you only tightened the law after the theft of the elite's wealth.