There is a lot of talk these days about underage purchases of tobacco and alcohol products, where such purchases are carried out by specific groups who deliberately target operators with the intention of later reporting them to the authorities. Despicable, if you ask me. The aim is to fill the budget, while leaving the tap open so much that excise duties also bring something in. What is most despicable, however, is that the legislator expects the retailers working at the tills to be 100% collected throughout the eight-hour working day, as are, of course, the entities that have adopted and are behind the current legislation restricting the sale of tobacco and alcohol products. Cashiers are now obliged, after working for several hours, to check the date of birth on the identity card and to recalculate the year of birth and whether the consumer is of legal age. Most of you probably think that this is very simple - I suggest that you try it out and then sharpen your teeth on the forums. To totally simplify and relieve the cashiers' control over persons under the age of 18 who deliberately or surreptitiously wish to purchase a tobacco or alcohol product, I propose that the State provide a special identity card for minors, which need not differ in any way from the identity card for adults, except in colour. This colour background should be so different that anyone (however stupid the cashier) will quickly see that he is not allowed to make a sale. However, if a minor is presented with an adult document (another person's document), this will shift the burden of responsibility to the customer. What primary and secondary socialisation has not solved, it is not right that retailers, caterers, etc... should then solve.