In order to reduce unnecessary administrative work around the reimbursement of sick leave charged to the ZZZS (WHO HAS ACCESS TO ALL THE DATA NECESSARY TO MAKE REFUNDING), I propose that all sick leave charged to the ZZZS is actually calculated and paid to the employee by the ZZZS independently. This would avoid a lot of unnecessary paperwork as it is: - collecting income tax data - which is very time-consuming for workers who have several employers, - unnecessary refusal of the refund on account of an inaccurate income tax base, which often happens because the worker does not always bring all the information, - the refusal of the reimbursement from the Health Insurance Fund, which is NOT always at the expense of the incorrect calculation of the worker who does it (because he cannot do it accurately if he does not have the correct data), which means correcting the salary and thus the REK forms on the e-taxes; - concern for the submission of wage reimbursements after payday (electronic system, does not allow submission (only allows input and saving of the document), which means having to work in the system several times for one reimbursement; (the Social Insurance Institution could accept the reimbursement immediately, but would remit it to the employer after payday); - the use of e-sick notes does not allow for the import of the sick notes to be used to make the reimbursement itself; - The system is very slow, especially for the special calendars, the number of hours per day (e.g. 4 hours or 6 hours) has to be entered separately for each sick note. Anyway, the reimbursement system at the ZZZS should be upgraded, if it is already electronic, it should also do something on its own, namely: - to import the eSickness certificate and do the reimbursement itself, - the income tax entered would be checked and - reconcile the time registration so that it gets the number of hours the worker has been registered for insurance from its own register.