1 2 3 4 Definition of anemia 5 1 2 3 4 6 opinion 2 7 opinion Iron deficiency Clinical history Assessment of nutritional status Hemoglobin and hematocrit Red blood cell indices Reticulocyte count Iron parameters Serum iron Table 1. 5 M F Hemoglobin (g/dl) Hematocrit (%) 1–3 days 14.5–22.5 45–70 2 months 9.0–14.0 28–42 6–12 years 11.5–15.5 35–45 12–18 years, M 13.0–16.0 37–49                       F 12.0–16.0 36–46 Table 2. 5 Ferritin (ng/ml) Newborn 25–200 1 month 200–600 2–5 months 50–200 6 months–15 years 7–140 Table 3. 5 M F Iron (μg/dl) 0–2 months 100–250 2–12 months 40–100 1–12 years 50–120 Thereafter, M 50–160                     F 40–150 Table 4. 5 Transferrin (mg/dl) Newborn 130–275 Adult 200–400 8 opinion opinion Erythropoietin 9 10 11 12 13 14 evidence 10 opinion 2 Side effects of erythropoietin therapy are rare; increased clotting tendency, hypertension, and seizures are to be considered the consequence of the therapeutic effect rather than an adverse effect of the preparation. Nevertheless, blood pressure should be carefully monitored during therapy. 15 16 opinion 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 evidence 26 27 28 opinion 19 21 29 30 31 32 33 34 evidence 35 36 Infection Hyperparathyroidism Malnutrition Hemolytic disorders 12 Underdialysis Vitamin C deficiency ACE inhibitors Anti-erythropoietin antibodies 2 3 37 38 evidence Iron 2 evidence opinion 39 evidence opinion 6 39 40 41 42 43 44 evidence 7 39 opinion 45 46 47 evidence Carnitine l 48 49 50 opinion l l 51 l 52 opinion