Introduction 1 2 3 11 Case Report 1 2 3 Figure 1 Enhanced computed tomography exhibited a well-defined heterogeneous tumor with contrast enhancement in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen, and demonstrated that the left gastroepiploic artery (arrow) was feeding the tumor. Figure 2 A solitary tumor arose in the greater omentum and was connected with the greater omentum by a vascular pedicle. Figure 3 The resected tumor measured 55 × 45 × 40 mm, weighed 68.5 g, and was solid and encapsulated without central necrosis or hemorrhage. Discussion 3 11 12 3 11 Because most recurrences developed at distant sites, i.e., the liver, lung, and peritoneum, systemic chemotherapy may be an additional treatment for hemangiopericytoma with high malignant potential after resection and for recurrence. However, effective chemotherapeutic regimens and molecular targeting therapy have not been established to date. Because three of the four patients who underwent omentectomy in the literature had peritoneal recurrences, the significance of omentectomy is questionable, especially for these with low-grade malignancy like in our patient. Therefore, surgical resection provides the only opportunity of cure for patients with hemangiopericytoma arising in the greater omentum. For pedunculated tumors like in our patient, laparoscopic excision is feasible.