Introduction 1998 1995 2000 2001 2001 2001 1990 1995 2 4 Desulfovibrionaceae 2004 2006 Desulfovibrio 1992 1934 1994 Materials and methods Sludge source 3 3 −1 Culture media and isolation of SRB 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 −1 3 1992 −1 2 2 1985 1984 1996 Phenotypic characterisation 660 g 2 2 1959 1962 Analytical methods T 1969 DNA extraction Genomic DNA was isolated from the bacterial cultures using the Ultra Clean Soil DNA extraction kit (MOBIO Laboratories, California) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The quality of the extracted DNA was examined on a 1% (w/v) agarose gel and the amount quantified by absorption spectrophotometry using the Nanodrop ND-1000 TM (NanoDrop Technologies, Delaware). Extracted DNA was stored at −20°C until subsequent use in different PCR reactions. PCR amplification and DGGE of 16S rRNA genes 2001 1995 2001 DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis 2004 2004 rep-PCR fingerprinting 1994 2006 Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis 1970 Design of oligonucleotide probes 2004 2003 Escherichia coli 1 Table 1 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes used in this study a Target organisms Probe sequence (5′–3′) Reference EUB338_I Most bacteria GCT GCC TCC CGT AGG AGT 1990 EUB338_II Planctomycetes GCA GCC ACC CGT AGG TGT 1999 EUB338_III Verrucomicrobia GCT GCC ACC CGT AGG TGT 1999 ARCH915 Archaea GTG CTC CCC CGC CAA TTC 1991 SRB385 Most Deltaproteobacteria CGG CGT CGC TGC GTC AGG 1990 SRB385Db Some Deltaproteobacteria CGG CGT TGC TGC GTC AGG 1996 DSR660 Desulfobulbus GAA TTC CAC TTT CCC CTC TG 1992 DSBA1017 Desulfobacca GTT GCC AGG CAC CCC CAT 2007 DSV119 Desulfovibrio GGC AGA TCA TCC ACG CGT This study DSV139 Desulfovibrio CGC TGT TAT CCC GAT CAC This study a Whole cell hybridisation 2007 1992 1996 1992 Sequence accession numbers The nearly complete rRNA gene sequences of strains L3 and L7 have been deposited in GenBank under accession nos. EF055876 and EF055877, respectively. Results Reactor performance \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$ {\text{2CH}}_{{\text{3}}} {\text{CH}}_{{\text{2}}} {\text{OH}} + {\text{SO}}^{{{\text{2 - }}}}_{{\text{4}}} \to {\text{2CH}}_{{\text{3}}} {\text{COO}}^{{\text{ - }}} + {\text{HS}}^{{\text{ - }}} + {\text{H}}^{{\text{ + }}} + {\text{2H}}_{{\text{2}}} {\text{0}} $$\end{document} \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$ {\text{CH}}_{{\text{3}}} {\text{COO}}^{{\text{ - }}} + {\text{SO}}^{{{\text{2 - }}}}_{{\text{4}}} \to {\text{2HCO}}^{{\text{ - }}}_{{\text{3}}} + {\text{HS}}^{{\text{ - }}} $$\end{document} 4 Enumeration and isolation of SRB 8 −1 Genomic fingerprinting 1 2 Fig. 1 M Fig. 2 M arrows Phylogenetic analysis Desulfovibrio Desulfovibrio mexicoense 3 Desulfovibrio Desulfovibrio mexicoense Fig. 3 Desulfobacter postgatei Dots bar Phenotypic characterisation of the strains Desulfovibrio 2 Table 2 Phenotypic characterisation of strains L3 and L7 Characteristics Strain L3 Strain L7 Cell morphology Vibrio Vibrio Motility + − Desulfoviridin + + Catalase + + Gram staining − − Electron donors 2 + +  Pyruvate + +  Lactate + +  Acetate − −  Propionate − −  Fumarate + −  Butyrate − −  Formate + +  Propanol − −  Ethanol + +  Methanol − −  Serine − +  Cysteine − +  Malate + −  Glycolate − −  Glycerol + +  Benzoate − −  Casamino acids + + Electron acceptors  Thiosulfate + +  Sulfite + +  Elemental sulfur − + Whole cell hybridisation Desulfovibrio gigas Desulfovibrio mexicoense 4 Desulfobulbus Desulfobacca acetoxidans 2007 Fig. 4 a blue red green b red blue green c blue red green d green red blue e green red blue f green red blue 3 4 3 4 Desulfobulbus Desulfobacca Desulfovibrio Desulfobulbus 3 4 Desulfobacca acetoxidans 3 4 3 4 Table 3 a Probe SRB385 EUB338 DAPI DSV119 30–35 15–20 12–16 DSV139 25–35 10–20 8–16 DSR660 20–25 10–15 8–12 DSBA1017 15–20 8–10 6–8 ARCH915 – – <0.1 a Discussion 4 s 2005 1984 1992 Desulfobulbus Genetic diversity among the dominant culturable isolates 1998 2000 2004 1999 2002 1 2 Desulfovibrio 2002 8 −1 1998 1999 2005 2006 Phenotypic and phylogenetic characterisation of the dominant culturable isolates 2 2 Desulfovibrio 1992 Desulfovibrio 1992 Desulfovibrio 1998 1996 1998 2005 Desulfovibrio 3 Desulfovibrio Desulfovibrio mexicoense Desulfovibrio 2006 Desulfovibrio mexicoense 2000 Co-existing SRB populations in the reactor 3 4 1934 2 2 2006 Desulfobulbus Desulfovibrio Desulfobulbus Desulfobulbus 1982 Desulfovibrio Desulfobulbus 1987 1995 2003 Desulfobacca acetoxidans Desulfobacca acetoxidans 1999 2004 Desulfobacca acetoxidans 2004 Desulfobulbus Desulfobacca acetoxidans 2 Desulfovibrio