Chile is experiencing a demographic transition and the causes of death and diseases of elders are similar to those of developed countries. However, these facts do not reflect the real problems that elderly people must face in this country, since they frequently suffer of not well diagnosed or assessed chronic diseases or functional limitations, that render them dependent or prostrated. If Chile wants to improve the physical and mental well being of elders, a global policy towards them must be developed and the financing of health services must be assured. In March 1996, a National Policy for Elderly People, aiming to improve the quality of life of these individuals, was approved by the government. We must successfully prevent and retard functional impairment and divulge the integral geriatric focus, encouraging global assessment, preventing disabilities and protecting functional independence. We must develop specialized Geriatric services in general hospitals, day care centers and rehabilitation units. We must teach the general principles of geriatric practise to health teams. Chile has a few trained specialists in geriatric medicine that must train other professionals. Thus, Medical Schools should expand research and post graduate training programs in geriatrics.