Large variations in intraocular pressure occur during enucleation, scleral depression, 32P testing, and vigorous rubbing of an eye. Data from animal studies show that during a critical phase of an intraocular malignant melanoma, ocular massage significantly decreased longevity due to increased metastastic disease. We report "no-touch" technique to prevent tumor spread from occurring secondary to ocular manipulation during enucleation. This technique avoids IOP elevations above 50 mm Hg before freezing completely around the tumor, thereby preventing flow of fluid and blood to or from the tumor prior to the manipulation necessary for enucleation. Theoretically, the patient with an ocular tumor should be warned against vigorous rubbing of his eyes and hard lid squeezes or diagnostic techniques that elevate IOP. The ophthalmologist should perform enucleation with gentieness and avoid pressure on the globe. Patients who are being followed up with a suspected ocular tumor should be warned not to rub or vigorously squeeze their eyelids.