It has been proposed that antioxidants can be longevity determinants in animals. However, no comprehensive study has been conducted to try to relate free radicals with maximum life span. This study compares the lung tissue of various vertebrate species--amphibia, mammals and birds--showing very different and well known maximum life spans and life energy potentials. The lung antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, Se-dependent and non-Se-dependent glutathione peroxidases, and glutathione reductase showed significantly negative correlations with maximum life span. The same was observed for the lung antioxidants, reduced glutathione and ascorbate. It is concluded that a generalized decrease in tissue antioxidant capacity is a characteristic of longevous species. It is suggested that a low rate of free radical recycling (free-radical generation and scavenging) can be an important factor involved in the evolution of high maximum animal longevities. A low free-radical production could be responsible for a low rate of damage at critical sites such as mitochondrial DNA.