Endometriosis is estimated to affect 10% of reproductive-aged women. The gold standard for treatment is surgery; however, surgery carries a significant morbidity and cost burden. There is an ongoing need for safe, effective medical therapies for endometriosis patients, both in conjunction with and independent of surgical interventions. Most conventional therapies for endometriosis work by a similar mechanism, and efficacy is variable. In recent years, there has been increased interest in the development and testing of novel pharmacotherapies for endometriosis. This review discusses both conventional and emerging treatments for endometriosis. The authors present the application of these drugs in different presentations of endometriosis across the lifespan and discuss how emerging therapies might fit into future medical management of endometriosis. Conventional therapies include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, combined oral contraceptives, progestins, GnRH agonists/antagonists, and aromatase inhibitors. Emerging therapies are focused on disease-specific targets such as endothelial growth factor receptors. The field of endometriosis therapy is moving toward modifying the immune and inflammatory milieu surrounding endometrial implants. If these drugs show efficacy in clinical trials, combining them with current medical treatment is expected to result in a profound impact on symptom and disease burden for patients who suffer from endometriosis worldwide.