Data on lifespan and some reasons of musicians' death of the XX century are presented in this article. The mean age of death (MAD) in male musicians (n=20 218) was 67,8 years, whereas the MAD in female ones was 71,5 years. «Classic» musicians both men and women lived longer than jazz, pop and variety music performing musicians (6,3 and 9,7 years longer respectively) and much longer then rock musicians (21,7 and 30,7 years longer, respectively). Among classic music interpreters, 10,8% of men and 21,5% of women survived into their 90 years' old; among jazz and variety musicians - 5,4 and 9,2% respectively; rock musicians barely survived to 90 years of age (0,4% in men and women). Male musicians of classic genre (9 100 persons) lived for 3,5 less then female musicians of the same genre (2 339). The MAD of jazz and variety musicians wasn't difference in men (7 974) and women (1 770) and the MAD in female rock musicians (254) was 5,5 years less as compared with male (3 144). Frequency of suicides, deaths by misadventure, murders and malignant tumors was maximum in rock musicians and minimally in «classics». All these events related to the music genre. The data of musicians of the XX century who have reached the age of 101 years old are presented in this article as well.