Biological control of spider mites in hot and dry weather is a serious technical issue. A high-temperature adapted strain (HTAS) of the predatory mite Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes was selected from its conventional strain (CS), via long-term heat acclimation and frequent heat hardenings in our previous studies. However, the environment of high temperature is usually associated with enhanced ultraviolet (UV) radiation. In the present study, the physiological effects of UV-B radiation on survival rate and egg damage of N. barkeri were investigated, as well as the activities and expression profiles of antioxidant enzymes to UV-B radiation stress. UV-B radiation had deleterious effects on egg hatchability and survival of N. barkeri. Adults of the HTAS strain were less UV-B resistant than those of the CS strain; they also had lower levels of enzymatic activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase against oxidative damage and weaker upregulation of SOD genes. The mRNA expression of three SOD genes of CS adult females immediately increased whereas that of HTAS showed almost no difference under UV-B stress for 1 h. The results showed the HTAS of N. barkeri had lower fitness under UV-B stress compared with the CS of N. barkeri. These results suggested that long-term heat acclimation may exert a profound impact on the developmental physiology of N. barkeri.