Specioside (6-O-coumaroylcatalpol) is an iridoid glucoside which possesses multifunctional activities viz. analgesic, antidyspeptic, astringent, liver stimulating and wound healing properties. The present study for the first time delineates stress alleviating and lifespan prolonging action of specioside (SPC), isolated from Stereospermum suaveolens in the free living, multicellular nematode model Caenorhabditis elegans. A strong correlation between lifespan extension and stress modulation in adult worms was established in a dose dependent manner. The dietary intake of this phytomolecule elevated juglone induced oxidative and heat induced thermal stress tolerance in C. elegans. On evaluation, it was found that 25 μM dose of SPC significantly extended lifespan by 15.47% (P≤0.0001) with reduction in stress level. Furthermore, SPC enhanced mean survival in mev-1 mutant suggesting its oxidative stress reducing potential. Furthermore, SPC augmented stress modulatory enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) level in C. elegans. Altogether, these findings broaden current perspectives concerning stress alleviating potentials of SPC and have implications in development of therapeutics for curing age related disorders.