Two female patients are described with survival over 13 years after operation for glioblastoma multiforme. The first patient was 42-year-old at the time of partial removal of the tumour situated in deep parts of the temporal lobe. After the operation she was not given any radiotherapy. CT done 13 years after the operation failed to show tumour presence. The patient is leading a self-dependent life (80 points in Karnofski scale). The other female patient was 28-year-old at the time of nearly complete removal (macroscopic) of right temporal lobe tumour. She received cobalt radiotherapy. CT 9 years after the operation showed no tumour. The present state of the patient was evaluated at 90 points Karnofsky scale. In no case cytostatics were given. These cases demonstrate an exceptionally long survival after operation for malignant glioma. The cause of this long survival is not known.