Each transmission event in complex, multi-host life cycles create obstacles selecting for adaptations by trematodes. One such adaptation is life cycle abbreviation through progenesis, in which the trematode precociously matures and reproduces within the second intermediate host. Progenesis eliminates the need for the definitive host and increases the chance of life cycle completion. However, progenetic individuals face egg-dispersal challenges associated with reproducing within metacercarial cysts in the tissues or body cavity of the second intermediate host. Most progenetic species await host death for their eggs to be released into the environment. The present study investigated temporal variation of progenesis in Stegodexamene anguillae in one of its second intermediate fish hosts and the effect of the fish's reproductive cycle on progenesis. The study involved monthly sampling over 13 months at one locality. A greater proportion of individuals became progenetic in the gonads of female fish hosts. Additionally, progenesis of worms in the gonads was correlated with seasonal daylight and temperature changes, major factors controlling fish reproduction. Host spawning events are likely to be an avenue of egg dispersal for this progenetic species, with the adoption of progenesis being conditional on whether or not the parasite can benefit from fish spawning.