Dry bean consumption has been reported to be associated with reduced risk for a number of chronic diseases including cancer. The extent to which these benefits are associated with primary versus secondary plant metabolites is not known. The work reported herein focuses on low molecular weight secondary metabolites and uses longevity extension of wild-type Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes as a surrogate marker for human health benefits. A modified Bligh and Dyer technique was used to extract freeze-dried bean, and the resulting fractions were evaluated for longevity extension and metabolite fingerprinting using ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS). Dry bean extracts extended adult C. elegans lifespan by as much as 16%. Hydrophilic fractions increased lifespan, whereas the hydrophobic fraction induced longevity reduction. Metabolite fingerprinting revealed distinguishing spectral differences among the four chemical fractions evaluated and demonstrated that within each fraction chemical composition differed significantly based on dry bean genetic heritage.