Despite the fact that growth hormone (GH) has not been approved for antiaging purposes, its use for this indication is widespread and increasing. The Growth Hormone Research Society (GRS) convened an international workshop to critically review and debate the available evidence related to the use of GH in the older adults and the relationship between the GH/insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) axis and the aging process. This statement presents the conclusions reached and gives recommendations for future studies in this research field regarding the use of GH and growth hormone secretagogues (GHS) for promoting health span. The participants concluded that, until future clinical research in this area is conducted, in particular carefully designed, long-term studies, using validated outcome parameters, the clinical use of GH or GHS in older adults, alone or in combination with testosterone, cannot be recommended. In addition, future basic studies in model systems, to continue to unravel GH/IGF-I effects related to human life span and health span, were advocated.