According to preliminary data of UNESCO the oldest inhabitant of a planet now lives in the Republic Sakha (Yakutia). The article presents some results of the examination of a 117-years long-liver Semennikova (Djakonova) Varvara Konstantinovna. The age of the supercentenarian is certified by the record in the metric book of Yakutsk Spiritual Consistory for the Bulunskiy Spasskiy Church. The standard methods and unified criteria of estimation applied in epidemiological researches and at examination of elderly contingent were used. The health state, lifestyle and quality of life of the supercentenarian have been studied. During physical and instrumental examination of the centenarian the following data have been obtained: asthenic type of the constitution, the lowered index of body weight; the pathology of organism's functional systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, osteomuscular), appeared in senior age. The basic biochemical parameters of the blood are registered within the limits of the norm. The centenarian almost has not suffered from serious diseases. She does not remember long-livers among her relatives. The phenomenon of supercentenarian in Yakutia is the unique example of the extremely high level of adaptation to the extreme climate with prevailing clinically slightly expressed form.