Starting from the observation that human longevity patterns show regional variations, we applied Spatial Analysis (using the Geographic Information System) and Surname Analysis to highlight the effect of the population genetic structure on such patterns. The study was carried out in Calabria, a southern Italian region which is characterized by a wide variability of geographic features (high mountains and deep valleys which created geographic isolates in the past). We identified three zones of high longevity: a male and a female longevity zone were located near the town of Cosenza (northern Calabria), while a male longevity zone was located in a mountainous and quite isolated part of the province of Reggio Calabria (southern Calabria). The latter zone was characterized by the lowest Female/Male ratio in nonagenarians observed to date. By applying surname analysis (Fisher's alpha) we found a significant negative correlation between surname abundance and index of longevity, showing that this isolated zone of male longevity presents a high level of inbreeding. On the whole, the results showed the effectiveness of spatial analysis in revealing geographical longevity patterns, and highlighted the importance of the population genetic structure in shaping such patterns.