Cell growth and progression through the cell cycle is finely tuned by nutrient availability and stress in eukaryotic cells. In yeast, the Sch9 protein kinase has been identified as a central regulator of longevity and stress resistance. Recent work revealed that Sch9 plays critical roles in transcriptional activation dependent on the environmental conditions. Favorable growth conditions stimulate the expression of genes related to ribosomal function by direct targeting of Sch9 by the TOR kinase, whereas under osmostress conditions, Sch9 plays a direct role in the activation of stress defense genes. At least upon stress, Sch9 seems to activate transcription directly at the chromatin structure. Therefore we speculate that targeting of the kinase to chromatin might coordinate transcription dependent on environmental stimuli and be responsible for the functions of Sch9 in life span regulation and adaptation to stress.