Increased rate of inflammation has been observed to be associated with aging. This is manifested, e.g. as increased blood levels of proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-6 (IL-6). The production of IL-6 is, at least partially, genetically determined the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at the promoter (-174G/C) being decisive. Consequently, some studies have demonstrated that the -174G/C genotype frequencies are different in very old persons as compared to younger ones. However, the results published this far have been conflicting. One of the main confounding factors in these kind of case/control association studies is the undetected difference in the population structure. To avoid this, we now have collected the mortality data of our cohort of 285 nonagenarians (representing mortality between 90 and 95 years of age) and correlated these to the IL-6 genotype. The frequency of -174 allele G was clearly higher in the survivors (n = 114) than in the non-survivors (n = 171).