Because of the increase in life expectancy (LE) throughout the twentieth century, indicators providing information on quality of life and its distribution in distinct geographical areas are required. We describe LE and life expectancy without disability (LEWD) by age and sex and estimate the magnitude of inequalities between Andalusia and Spain. Mortality data from the Natural Population Movement, the Survey of Disabilities, Deficiencies and Health Status, and the populations of the National Institute of Statistics for Andalusia and Spain in 1999 were used. Abbreviated life tables were constructed and were used to calculate LEWD through Sullivan's method. LE and LEWD by age and sex were obtained for Andalusia and Spain. LE was lower in Andalusia than in Spain in all age groups and in both sexes. At birth, LE was 73.9 years for men and was 80.9 years for women in Andalusia and was 75.0 years and 82.1 years in Spain respectively. Inequalities between Andalusia and Spain in LEWD were greater in all age groups both in men and in women: at birth LEWD was 66.0 years and 69.0 years for men and women in Andalusia and was 68.3 years and 72.0 years in Spain. Longevity and quality of life are lower in Andalusia than the mean for Spain, especially in elderly women.