Despite substantial evidence of the crucial role protein calorie malnutrition (PCM) plays in the occurrence of complications, increased length of stay, and cost of care in hospitalized populations, no standard approach for screening and monitoring the nutritional status of patients initially and throughout admission currently exists. Recognizing that there is a growing public and professional recognition of the importance of malnutrition, a large patient population (30-55%) at risk for PCM, and an even larger population experiencing declining nutritional status during hospitalization, this study examined the feasibility of a full-scale study to assess the value of two biochemical markers, transthyretin and albumin, for detecting and monitoring PCM in hospitalized patients. It was demonstrated that these two markers do provide important information predictive of outcomes for those they identify at risk for PCM. The patients who entered the study with or developed low transthyretin and albumin experienced poorer health outcomes and higher costs of care. Their discharge occurred in an early phase of recovery, with significant implications for after-discharge care. The full-scale study must consider severity of illness and other confounders during randomization and, preferably, be conducted in institutions that currently do not use transthyretin for nutrition assessment.