This prospective, randomized, double-blind study compares the efficacy of epidural 2-chloroprocaine and lidocaine for attaining hospital discharge criteria after ambulatory knee arthroscopy. We hypothesized that 2-chloroprocaine would facilitate earlier discharge than lidocaine. American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) I and II patients were randomized to receive equipotent doses of epidural 3% 2-chloroprocaine or 1.5% lidocaine, both without epinephrine. Time to block resolution and discharge were compared between groups, along with the need for epidural reinjection, surgical times, and postoperative back pain. Twenty-seven patients completed the study, 13 in the 2-chloroprocaine group and 14 in the lidocaine group. The 2-chloroprocaine group was ready for discharge significantly earlier than the lidocaine group (130 +/- 17 min [range, 105 to 160] v 191 +/- 32 min [range 144 to 251]; P <.0001, 90% power). The lidocaine group required more epidural reinjections. Anesthesia-related side effects were similar in both groups. Epidural 3% 2-chloroprocaine without epinephrine is an advantageous choice for ambulatory knee arthroscopy. It enables readiness for discharge an hour sooner than 1.5% lidocaine, requires fewer reinjection interventions, and may reduce delayed discharge secondary to prolonged time to void. This clinical study shows the superiority of epidural 3% 2-chloroprocaine over 1.5% lidocaine for expediting hospital discharge after ambulatory surgery.