Recipients of social assistance are often at home, isolated from society, which has a bad effect on the psyche of the person, but on the other hand, they suffer the scornful looks of others who work and whose taxes finance their social assistance. I propose that compulsory community service be introduced for social assistance recipients, say for 20 hours a week, which would mean better socialisation of jobseekers, would force those who do not work because of laziness to look for a real job, and at the same time, jobseekers would be helping society at large and the surrounding area through this work. There are many areas that are unregulated because of a lack of labour, whether it is landscaping, helping the elderly, caring for animals in shelters, etc., so that the vast majority could find work that they are capable of doing. Disabled and incapacitated people would be able to stay at home on the basis of a medical decision (similar to sick leave for employees). I believe that such a form would help both with the stigmatisation of jobseekers, with socialisation, and with ease of adjustment to the workplace later on.