I think we could follow the example of developed countries and allow motorists to overtake cars and lorries if there is enough space between them when traffic is slowed down (queues). The same applies in front of traffic lights, if there is enough space motorists should be allowed to go to the line and not wait in line. This would decongest the roads and make motorists wait less time, as motorbikes get off faster and do not even interact with cars. But if they queue, they take the place of one car, and there is no benefit from that. I write this because I often see motorcyclists getting ahead and cars honking and getting angry at them (probably because they don't have the luxury of getting ahead, I don't know what else could be bothering them). I myself always give way to motorcyclists when I see them coming ahead. For example, if there are 17 vehicles in a queue waiting at a traffic light, 2 of which are motorbikes, and the light is green long enough for 15 vehicles to go into the junction, 2 cars will end up staying and waiting again. However, if the two engines were at the front of the queue next to the first car, all 17 vehicles would be able to cross the traffic light. I understand that this is forbidden here, but it is legal in some countries in the USA, Italy, UK, etc. To get a better idea, watch the Royal Jordanian channel on youtube, where a man is driving around London and at every traffic light he goes ahead.